The Who, What, When & Where


Chris and I have been sharing bits and pieces of our plans with different people, but we are finally ready to share all of our plans and how we got here with the world.

We’ve got a plan! Or we did. Being revised all the time.

We’re selling our house! Hopefully this fall.

We’re moving to Hawaii! Hopefully February 2021.

We’re selling everything we own! We’ll take our clothes and the dogs and a few select items, but everything else is gone.

A pandemic won’t stop us! Sure, some of our plans have changed, but we’re still full steam ahead.

We’re starting a blog! This one. The one you’re currently reading. To share all of the things we’re learning along this path we’re on. Including why we probably shouldn’t have ever bought our house in the first place.

We are, in every sense of the words, starting over. New stuff and new place, yes. But also completely new outlooks. And we’ve started this blog both to document the process, and to share what we’re learning as we go through it. And because I like talking (and typing).

We’d love for you to join us as we figure this all out. Check back here for regular updates as we get our house ready to sell, figure out where we’re going to live after we sell our house (hopefully) but before we leave North Carolina, and our trek to actually get to Hawaii.

Are we crazy? Quite possibly. But we’re also stupid excited about this new adventure. One year from now, we’re hoping to have a brand new life.

So poke around our new site, bookmark it, subscribe for email updates for new blog posts, tell all your friends, etc. And then sit back and enjoy the chaos. Any questions you have for us? Please let us know!

P.S. oh, and because we get this question all the time - yes, the dogs are coming with us! Which, if you know us, is a duh answer. Although it is quite the process, which I’ll talk about another time.


So are you still going to be a lawyer?


Starting Over